Social Media Content

Wild Boar Ragu Recipe Wild Kitchen Australia

Wild Kitchen Game Meat Specialists has been selling a range of unique, beautiful meat to Queen Victoria Market customers for over 10 years, and we can personally attest to the incomparable quality of the game meat and passion behind the brand.

REDfusion has had great experiences filming several bush cooking adventures with Wild Kitchen; so when invited to film the first in a series of live cooking videos for Wild Kitchen Australia’s YouTube Channel, we jumped at the opportunity. To be honest, we never really pass up any chance to devour delicious food!

Working with Carmela D’Amore as she exercised her culinary magic with Wild Kitchen’s lean wild boar meat was an absolutely delightful experience. Carmela’s love of life, food and people just bubbles over; her face radiates joy as she generously shares the wealth of her knowledge and skill.

The infusion of veggies, wine and herbs with the meat generated an increasingly sublime aroma, permeating every breath and making us long for the anticipated moment when we would be invited to sink our teeth into the succulent Italian Ragu. Our every hope was fully met with the indescribably delectable flavours and melt-in-the-mouth luscious boar; an absolutely perfect combination! We’re excited for Wild Kitchen Australia’s YouTube Channel to be up and running! Have a watch of Carmela in action in her kitchen below, and don’t forget to subscribe to the WKA Channel!! Keep an eye out for more!

It’s always great when there’s a professional photographer on hand to take behind the scenes photos of the filming action. Frank Amato Photography took fantastic photos of REDfusion and Carmela in action and kindly shared them with us. Frank is our favourite photographer and the man behind Wild Kitchen – certainly multi-skilled and great fun to work with.

Wild Kitchen Carmela D'Amore

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GMG Auto Social Media Content Calendar

In this image campaign we emphasised the strong and powerful imagery of workshop and muscle cars. When it came to determining content, it was decided to have a strong leaning towards an educational component, with an over-arching theme of ‘fun in the workshop’.

We also wanted to incorporate client feedback into the campaign, which we achieved by producing both video and photo testimonials for another component in this campaign. See the GMG Customer Testimonials we produced.

The educational content certainly triggers your brain, if you’re not on top of your car maintenance. READERS BEWARE: If you continue scrolling down the page, you might find yourself contacting Gav and his team to make a booking!

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GippsPest Halloween Carnevil Event

Gippsland Pest Management (GippsPest) pulled out all stops to provide the community with a monster Halloween 2023 evening filled with all manner of spookiness, frights, hilarity and sweet treats. The GippsPest team turned their hands and ingenuity to making incredible enchanted props and donated a frightful amount of energy, time, (fake) blood, sweat and tears to ensure the event was a howling success.

The eerie event’s popularity was evident, with a queue of revellers waiting their turn to have faces painted, be entertained by the GippsPest team in alarming Halloween attire, bounce in the jumping castle, go fishing for prizes, snag a snag, pet a reptile and have a scream of a time!

REDfusion caught the otherworldly action on film and Chris even managed to snatch a cuddle with the youngest party-goer – briefly without a mummy and blissfully chilling through the hocus pocus. Our favourite photographer, Frank Amato, was on hand to snap horrified reactions, ghosts of smiles and costumes of every conceivable design and hue.

The time passed fearfully fast – like an apparition – and the macabre was laid to rest in the GippsPest mausoleum. Hands down (in some cases severed), the GippsPest superheroes can trick or treat with the best of the imps.

GippsPest Halloween Carnevil Event

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The Vines on Avon

As we approached The Vines on Avon, Common Brown Butterflies in their 1000s gave us an unexpected but delightful welcome. Where the kaleidoscope (sounds prettier than ‘rabble’ or ‘swarm’) of winged inhabitants were intent on fluttering to is anyone’s guess. It was an inspiring  start to a terrific afternoon of filming for Wellington Shire’s ‘Middle of Everywhere’ advertising campaign.

Situated near Maffra in Gippsland, The Vines on Avon sits amid beautiful sweeping lawns and gardens that beckon one to venture further into the vineyard and onward to the enticing Gippsland landscape of vivid greens and blues, and mellow golds.

The Vine’s Tammy was a wonderful hostess, happily helping accommodate all our filming requests – furniture was moved, displays fiddled with and spaces filled with lights, cameras, tech equipment, crew and local film stars in the making. There was a lot of laughter and good humoured banter, making for a relaxed environment for shooting the TV commercial.

The Vines’ skilled chef whipped up a delicious meal and before finishing packing the mountain of equipment away, we snuck into his kitchen to capture a genius at work.  Tucking into the divine roast and perfect pink prawns was a fairytale ending to a long but hugely successful day of filming. 

Maybe we will find ourselves at The Vines on Avon sometime in winter, warming our toes in front of a blazing open fire whilst sampling more of the gastronomical delights The Vines has to offer. Now, that’s a tempting thought!!

Vines on Avon Kitchen Promo Clip

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Property Home Base Launch Event

Events have their challenges, but it so happens that we enjoy a challenge! This project was filmed at the company launch event of Property Home Base, a group with a unique fresh approach to Real Estate Advocacy.

See how, in the video, we put together the edit of this launch event, by underpinning the story, utilising the speeches, but adding snippets from the rest of the night to showcase the friendly and approachable nature of the company founders, Julie & Allan, along with their dynamic team.

We had the pleasure of witnessing the public launch of the newly made Business Overview video we created for the team – this was played for the first time at this event. It’s truly a joy to be a part of the journey with clients such as these. You can also check out our story on creating this Branding Launch Video.

Property Home Base

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Farm World Rodeo Highlights 2024

This was the first ever rodeo for REDfusion and what an experience to remember it was! No bull, the rodeo competitors (some of them are frightfully young) don’t horse around!

The scene was reminiscent of a Wild West movie with cowboys, cowgirls, sleek horses and muscle-bound bovine taking centre stage at Farm World 2024’s Rodeo. Perhaps a tell-tale sign that it was present day Australia was the addition of Akubras and protective helmets to the Wild West attire of Stetsons, chaps, leather boots and spurs.

Filming the dewy-eyed animals contently chewing their cuds or half dozing was not at all fear-invoking but we were not lulled into a false sense of security for one bat of a heavily lashed bovine or equine eye. We wisely declined the invitation to be on the death-defying side of the fence, with these magnificent beasts bursting into the arena to make war on the humans audacious enough to cling tenaciously with one hand to their broad backs.

Every unforgiving buck is calculated to dislodge the unwelcome visitor; the rider equally determined to stay seated, with a seemingly impossible display of strength, dexterity and balance. There can only ever be one winner and, horrifyingly, sometimes this meant the rider was tossed aside like some annoying gnat, with the victor turning menacing attention on its quarry. Thankfully, experienced hands were at the ready to keep the unseated riders intact to fight another day (although pride may have been shattered).

Barrel racing is far more than merely a rodeo event; it’s a display of true grit and a testimony to the connection between horse and rider.  The race is a fleeting moment of pure exhilaration, leaving behind a memory etched in dust and the echo of raucous cheers. It’s heart thumping, adrenaline pumping beauty in motion!

The gleaming horse explodes through the start gate; their rider’s hands steady on the reins, as they urge their equine partner on. Both horse and rider lean precariously close to the barrels as they negotiate the tight turns, truly a balance of speed and control. Once the final obstacle is cleared, the rider throws themself forward, the horse accelerating in a final burst of power across the finish.

The rodeo was, however, more than kicking up dust amidst tumultuous thundering of hooves and the screams of an amped-up audience. 

The Freestyle Motocross Spectacular was … spectacular! That bikes and riders could soar through the air at high speed, sometimes upside down, and not part company defied both gravity and logic. Absolute high octane showmanship front and centre!

Live music performances had people dancing in the streets (or to be more precise, on grassed areas).

Tantalising odours of fried chicken, pizza, seafood and cuisine from every corner of the spherical world enticed revellers to indulge more than their sense of smell. Ice cream, coffee and decadent sweet treats abounded too.

We took away more than just incredible memories and footage – our equipment imbibed a not-so-healthy quantity of the arena’s dust and grit. But hey, what’s a bit of dirt between friends?? Akubras and Stetsons off to Farm World, Lardner Park, the Australian Professional Rodeo Association and all the other behind-the-scenes hardworking cowpokes who pulled off this outstanding Gippsland event.

Farm World Rodeo 2024 Highlights

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Farm World Highlights 2024

Unarguably at the forefront of Victoria’s agricultural and lifestyle events, Farm World is held annually at stunning Lardner Park in Gippsland. The property’s 300 acre vista is beyond spectacular and affords the perfect opportunity for exhibitors to promote their offerings and services, and visitors to be amazed at demonstrations, purchase all manner of goods and partake in culinary delights.

REDfusion has partnered with Lardner Park before and we were thrilled to be commissioned to produce a highlights video of the event. With cameras and drone (and plethora of other non-agricultural equipment), we ventured forth to capture a representation of the wonder that is Farm World – no small undertaking!

The weather was kind, entertainment spectacular, animals photogenic, exhibits a kaleidoscope of colour, food and beverages tantalising, historical displays enlightening and absolutely everyone, everywhere SMILING. So much scope for capturing amazing imagery!! Editing such incredible footage into a highlights reel was going to be tough, indeed, but for all the right reasons.

This renowned field days agricultural and lifestyle  event, in action since 1963, annually  attracts an average of 40,000 visitors over three days, across a range of demographics – farmers, families, adventure seekers, locals and not-so-local, and all ages. Memories are made, friendships forged and minds opened to expert knowledge, new technologies and innovations.

 Whilst not everyone would have gone home with a receipt for a down-payment on a combine harvester or state of the art tractor, it’s doubtful if anyone left empty-handed or empty-hearted. There was, quite literally, something for every visitor to experience, enjoy or purchase.

We emerged briefly from behind the cameras to sample Farm World and replenish energy with some delicious fare. Soon it was time to prepare for the rodeo – cameras being our chosen beasts to master.

Farm World 2024 Highlights

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Hallora Marathon Event Highlights

We proudly sponsor the Hallora Marathon event, and have been primarily providing video marketing content, batched for social media for use in the lead up to their events. Where on Earth is Hallora, you may ask? Well, just a ten minute drive south of Drouin, Victoria, in picturesque Baw Baw Shire, is the quaint little town of Hallora. It’s pretty much a footy oval, but it’s home to the meeting point and start line of this awesome little community event.

Despite a few setbacks and cancellation of events throughout 2020 and early 2021, the event finally went ahead in the lead up to Christmas 2021.

This was a particularly exciting event for us to film, not only after having had numerous events cancelled and now experiencing the joy of seeing so many people in the community spending time together, but as residents of Baw Baw Shire and, ourselves, members of this running community. It was incredibly special for us to see so many familiar faces through our camera lenses.

Hallora Event Highlights 2021

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