Corporate Documentary

Inspiro Annual Report

Not your typical Annual Report, we had the pleasure of spending time with a large cross-section of staff from the Inspiro Health team, all bringing forth positive stories in the midst of tough times.

We love any excuse to create beautiful cinematography. This takes careful placement of our talent (ideally in wide open spaces), lighting the scene to look bright and fresh with a subtle flare, and moving props and furniture around in the background of images, then trying to remember to put it back where we found it afterwards, like the set of flags we placed in the background of this interview – we’re pretty sure Inspiro decided they looked better there anyway.

It’s important to get the little things right; a little known ‘filmmaking’ rule of thumb is to balance the weight of your frames. In a long form documentary or in our case, large sets of interviews one after the next, it’s important to get an even balance of left and right shots. Otherwise, subconsciously, our audience (that’s you) starts to feel one side of the screen is heavier than the other.

Inspiro Annual Report

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Creating Cardinia Community Infrastructure Plan

The Cardinia Shire Council has shared a draft of its first ever Community Infrastructure Plan, detailing how future community infrastructure is to be planned, designed, delivered, operated and maintained. Through ‘Creating Cardinia’, the participation of residents is encouraged in shaping the future of Cardinia Shire.

Cardinia Shire, on the south-eastern outskirts of Melbourne encompasses an area that hugs a section of Westernport Bay’s coastline through to the renowned Yarra Ranges in the north. An expanse of Bunyip State Park, lush forest areas of Emerald and Cockatoo, farms and rapidly expanding towns, together with a diverse range of industrial, service  and cottage industries all call Cardinia ‘home’.

Simply put, Cardinia Shire is growing and changing at a rapid pace, presenting challenges and opportunities of how to best meet the copious needs of the community. Cardinia’s Draft Community Infrastructure Plan has been developed to guide how best to plan for and provide spaces for residents to gather and connect, e.g. arts and cultural venues, kindergartens, libraries, consulting rooms, halls and bookable areas.

REDfusion Studios spent a day filming in Pakenham, Emerald, Cockatoo, Koo Wee Rup and Lang Lang to create what could best be described as a highlights reel of this wonderful Shire. Chris and Sam filmed the interaction between residents and staff, and captured the live action of kids enjoying play, art, craft and library time in a number of well-appointed, state of the art facilities.

Billowing clouds artistically drifted on expanses of blue sky, making for perfect backdrops for James’ drone footage of  beautiful vistas, residential development and existing fantastic Shire infrastructure. Cardinia has manicured parklands, enticing playgrounds, sporting facilities, child care and kindergarten centres, libraries, community hubs, halls and places for residents to gather, plus so much more!

Cardinia Shire Council is passionate about the future prosperity of its citizens and it is easy to understand why this region is experiencing such growth; we look forward to continuing to work with them as infrastructure goals are shaped and attained. Exciting days ahead!

Creating Cardinia

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Patties Foods Journey

They say never work with kids or animals; but what do they know? Patties are known for their Party Pies, so we just had to film genuine reactions from kids; afterall, they are the main consumers of pies and sausage rolls. Once the shots we needed were in the can, and the cameras were packed away, like ravenous animals, our crew tucked into the delicious leftovers!

This is a lovely film, that includes:  a tour through the Patties factory in Bairnsdale, Victoria; drone shots we captured in some nearby farmland, celebrating the connection to the land where Patties’ journey began; some fun little scenes we orchestrated, showing Patties’ products being consumed by ideal clientele, such as brunch in the living room, the kids at a birthday party and a Saturday gathering of mates watching the footy.

Interviews led by Denis Gerrard and Greg Wharton offering behind the scenes details, together with our professional voice-over artist enlightening us with historical factoids of how Patties came about, make this film another great all-rounder and an exciting watch for anyone.

Patties Foods was going through large growth at the time of filming this campaign and part of that was the new stake-hold they had just made in Australian Whole Foods. They celebrated this achievement by including a chapter in this film, dedicated to featuring the additional capabilities that joining forces offers them in the marketplace.

Patties Foods Journey

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SCT Logistics’ Inaugural Queensland Train Journey

Construction of the new SCT Logistics freight train terminal in Bromelton was completed; the terminal connected and expanded SCT’s already extensive Australian network into Queensland, with increased accessibility to their trucking network. Now to record the maiden journey!

REDfusion accompanied SCT on the first Victoria to Queensland train journey to tell their story and share in the excitement of this incredible milestone in the Company’s history. This journey started at SCT’s Melbourne headquarters; the train was being loaded with cargo from many newly onboarded clients taking full advantage of the direct service now offered.

We recorded a variety of interviews with staff involved in the journey; starting with the first train driver, followed by staff in charge of the loading in Victoria and subsequent unloading in Queensland, along with many other key stakeholders throughout the journey. 

Our initial plan for the filming was to position ourselves in the train’s staff cabin, but later determined the importance of capturing footage of the train departing Melbourne and arriving in Bromelton. Thanks to the advancement in jet-plane technology, we managed to overtake the train after filming its departure,  to prepare our cameras on-site for the train’s 3am arrival. The logistics on-site were difficult, to say the least, but not insurmountable with some fast leg work employed! The unexpected site size of roughly 3km became all too apparent when I went to ‘run’ to the other end with our drone, while we left camera gear set up, ready for the train’s inaugural arrival. 

What a privilege to be a part of a client’s great adventure and making history.

In the six months leading up to this Corporate Documentary Film, we also filmed a short series in more formal settings, explaining SCT’s business model in general and how it has all led towards the move towards Expansion into Queensland.

SCT 1st Bromelton Train Journey

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Chemistry Australia Industry Awards 2023

ELAC (Emerging Leaders Advisory Council) is a two year professional development program established by Chemistry Australia, investing in Australia’s chemistry industry’s future leaders. Our brief was to film interviews with a variety of ELAC participants to screen at the inaugural Chemistry Australia Industry Awards night on 6th April, where achievements of the sector’s ‘best and brightest’ from amongst Chemistry Australia’s diverse range of member organisations are acknowledged.

The chemistry industry doesn’t always get the best rap in the public sphere and this was certainly the elephant in the interview  rooms. It was incredible and eye-opening to have raw, honest conversations about the public perspective and the ELAC participants’ own passion to take action for a better, cleaner, sustainable industry to impact positively upon the world. We tip our hats to the people we met through Chemistry Australia whose focus, priorities and passions are pointed in the right direction, it was an honour to work with them.

Interviews were initially to be conducted solely in the Melbourne area but as happens, the brief rapidly expanded to include an additional three states and REDfusion was definitely up to the challenge!

The big ol’ jet airliners carried us far away to Perth, Brisbane and Sydney and repeatedly back to Melbourne over a whirlwind fortnight of conducting 11 interviews at ten corporations. Getting our copious volume of equipment between vehicles and check in/baggage collection is a challenge not to be attempted by the faint hearted! 

Our team has the fantastic advantage of being multi-skilled and this came to the fore with James and Chris being able to share the role of director.  We had the foresight to have cameraman Sam holidaying over in W.A. and so conveniently already on hand for the Perth gig. First class flights for Melbourne-Brisbane were secured at a lower price, so Chris and Greg were able to really enjoy the high life, before travelling cattle class on the return leg.

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Opportunities and Solutions
Our Ambition for the Future
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