Triax 4 Post System Timelapse

Shade Smart required a video to showcase their brand new product, Triax 4 Post System, about to hit the market. The Triax 4 Post System is brilliant, allowing installers to construct large shelters in a matter of hours, instead of days; this is primarily due to their patent-pending invention requiring no welding. This revolutionary system’s debut was at SuperExpo2023 on the Gold Coast.

Shade Smart approached us for a one camera, simple shoot of the Triax System in action; instead, James and Wes rocked up with seven cameras and one analogue clock.  This is a classic example of REDfusion being happy to do what the client asks but even happier to go above and beyond to produce videos with greater impact.

Timelapse with a single angle is standard but opening it up to multiple angles enables content that is much more engaging and detailed and allows for true storytelling methods to be implemented.  In addition to multi-angle timelapse, we used two cinema cameras to capture additional standard footage intended for Shade Smart’s use in the future, however, this ended up being cut into our main timelapse piece, creating incredibly detailed sequences. 

From our multi-camera footage, we created a series of media, including the single camera timelapse to observe the construction uninterrupted (the original brief) and the detailed cinema edit comprised of multi-angle timelapses plus the cinema cameras’ sequences. One of the other videos produced was novel – an additional timelapse created by a camera strategically positioned on the floor, with an analogue clock in the foreground, proving the construction time claim was legitimate.

We are honoured to play a part in promoting such a fantastic Australian designed and manufactured product.

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Triax 4 Post Structure Setup
Triax Setup Clock Timelapse
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