Music Production

Acoustic Reprise Live Studio Recordings

Acoustic Reprise is an amazing trio based in the Baw Baw Shire, made up of Jon, Glenn and Jayne. This was a particularly special project, where we were recording these songs the week ahead of Jon’s Wedding, ready to be played on the day. Incredible harmonies, musicianship and allround talented musicians.

So, funny story. We take very special note of everything that ends up within the video frame, particularly the wide shots. On a project like this, just outside the wide shot, are piles of empty guitar cases, amps and recording equipment, not to mention our camera gear and lighting stands. We go to a lot of effort to keep the ‘stage’ clean and minimalistic wherever possible.

So that brings me to the funny part of the story. That row of chairs on the left of frame had instrument cases opened and left there, which we carefully moved before we started. However, between song recordings, a rouge case ended up sitting there on the chairs and went unnoticed. We won’t point fingers and tell you which of the trio it was. When we discovered this in post-production, we couldn’t handle the inconsistency and had to pull out the pixels magic wand.

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Under the Milky Way
Wondering Where You Are
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Andy Layfield & the Sound

Producing video of musicians, both in the recording studio and performing live, is always a great undertaking for REDfusion Studios. Capturing artists’ energy, passion and talent is a privilege and we hold them in high esteem for their commitment to their craft. We produced four videos for Andy Layfield; the main one was filmed in a recording studio with a few snippets at a live gig, with Andy providing  commentary, with a further three clips produced for social media.

Andy’s story began in Melbourne at the age of 16 when he first picked up a guitar. A lifelong passion for music was sparked by the magic of expressing emotions through improvisation. He found inspiration in the works of Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young and other 60’s musicians; this influence is evident in Andy’s ability to weave unexpected twists and turns into his music, taking it beyond the traditional 12-bar blues format.

Andy says that songs are started with him noodling on his guitar, finding a groove; the emotion of the groove dictates the story. Andy’s lyrics are shaped by life experiences, people and blues in the modern world, and he connects with audiences on a deep level, taking them on a journey with him. Blues rhythms, soulful vocals, incredible riffs and harmonica, coupled with undertones of funk and rock make for a distinctly individual style.

Filming Andy Layfield laying down tracks in Soggy Dog Recording Studio was an incredible opportunity. Backed by a talented group of musicians, Andy brings his vision to life; creating a sound that is unique and exciting. Andy encourages his co-musicians to have creative input and to put their producer hats on, believing that the best sound is created with this collaborative approach. 

In the studio, lead vocals and guitar lay the foundation of the recording, built upon with rhythm (drums, bass and keyboard), spot performances by back up vocals and saxophone, with additional guitar and harmonica adding layers of depth. Finally, the recording is expertly sound engineered and produced.

Andy Layfield ‘& the Sound’ are a compelling presence on stage with their very cool hats and stylish gear, and they have an absolute blast performing together. The four piece band – bass, drums, keyboard and guitar – adapt Andy’s recorded songs so they not only work in live gigs but are masterpieces in their own rights. Filming this band engaging their captivated audience with their undeniable passion and talent for the blues was such a hoot!

Andy Layfield & the Sound

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Who Said That? Variety Show

We have to say that working with CJ’s Puppets is a great gig to land! REDfusion has worked with CJ’s Puppets several times before and each time we’re blown away by the energy, characters, humour, music and, of course, ventriloquism.

Our first encounter at a community event actually involved us being on the receiving end of CJ’s humour; there’s nothing like a tech problem to get the adrenaline pumping in a live performance! If sound delays in mics present when a ventriloquist is at large, we don’t even blink an eye these days, having learnt a very valuable lesson.  A note of caution though to all the budding ventriloquists out there. It would be wise to remember that mics are controlled by the person sitting at  the sound desk and revenge is a likely outcome to messing with their nerves! CJ (who is a great sport) may have learnt a lesson too but probably not!

Out of a suitcase emerged Clive, a hearing-challenged old codger, whose present exacerbated deafness was explained in a visual, hysterical gag. Understandably, Clive isn’t all that enamoured with being transported in a dark place and he isn’t slow in conveying his dissatisfaction with this arrangement.

A blue, Spanish dog! Who would have thought of such a character? Obviously, CJ! Scratch is bilingual, although CJ declares he doesn’t speak Spanish – it just defies logic! Switching between two languages and characters, whilst tunefully singing a song takes incredible skill. Not to mention the ability to not move one’s lips when the puppet persona is at the forefront!

The fortitude and good nature of an audience member were put to the test and won the day in blazing glory. CJ has has a special torture device, umm…ventroliquist prop…whereby he is able to control the strapped on lips of his hapless victim…umm…adoring fan, whilst giving voice to this short-term sidekick. Seriously, you have to see it to believe it!

We are fortunate to have a multi-skilled, versatile crew and took the opportunity to mix things up a little. Jacob emerged from creating impressive motion graphics to take position behind a camera; Glenn, our in-house, in-family tech guru, managed the sound desk; and James put on the director’s cap and also manned a camera. CJ’s musical son, Tom, joined our band of merry film-makers for the evening and did an excellent job in the role of ‘Sound Desk 2IC’.

Enjoy watching the promotional video we produced and good luck in detecting any movement in the puppet master’s lips! CJ really is just that good!!

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CJ - 3min SHOWREEL (Comedy Ventriloquist)
CJ - (longer version) SHOWREEL (Comedy Ventriloquist)
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The Big Bandalorian

We were transported to a galaxy (not so) far, far away where with an expansive universe of genius, Toshi Clinch Productions’ Not-So-Big Band musical Mandalores performed Star Wars’ futuristic jazz. The Big Bandalorian is the second album by the Not-So-Big Band, featuring the 2021 cohort of students. These incredibly talented musicians didn’t miss a beat and their ability to produce world-class music from behind the coolest of Star Wars’ head attire defies logic. 

In 2018, Toshi created the Not-So-Big Band (NSBB), a youth music program based on an apprenticeship model, to assist music students to cross the bridge into the professional music scene. Professional musicians work alongside a set number of students, with the expectation that with just one rehearsal the NSBB performs a new 90 minute show each week at Melbourne’s renowned jazz club, The Paris Cat.

According to Toshi Clinch Productions’ website, as well as augmenting performance skills, members of the NSBB are able to work on a variety of professional skills such as improvisation, jazz arranging/composition, public speaking, band directing, marketing, finance and networking. It really is a fantastic program for aspiring musicians.

It’s taken what has felt like light years to have music videos ready to publish – the COVID dark side really put a spanner in the works – and we’re stoked with the results from this most enjoyable collaborative experience. To this Not-So-Big Band, we say, “Yoda best!”

So, sit back, crack a Corellian ale and enjoy the toe-tapping music from the Earth-bound Star Wars’ Cantina.

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The Cantina Song
Duel of the Fates
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