Cinematic Marketing

3818 Espresso Bar

The life-blood of anyone working in the film industry is most definitely coffee and we’re not just talking about that imperative heart-starter first thing in the morning!

When our base of operations was in Drouin, we wore a smooth path up the hill to 3818 Espresso Bar. ‘Liquid Happiness’ is an absolutely apt description for the delicious brew Connor and Bella regularly passed through the window to us, resplendent with a complimentary little bikky or chocolate perched on top of the lid. We’ll still visit to refuel when passing through from our new studio in Warragul; it’s too hard to let a good thing go! It’s also not beyond the realm of possibility that special coffee runs will become REDfusion modus operandi … let’s hope the vehicular fuel price doesn’t rise!

Our intended 15 minute shoot with the baristas and their shiny, happiness-producing espresso machine morphed into a full 45 minutes of fun, hilarity and inhaling  indescribably delicious coffee aromas. We left with our hands wrapped firmly around our cups of caffeine boosts and memories of a great filming experience.

REDfusion Studios is zealous about more than just caffeine, and showcasing local businesses is top on our list of worthwhile activities.  The short cinematic promo we produced for 3818 Espresso Bar beautifully captures the skill of expert artisans at work. 

Our ‘Short Cinematic Promo’ service is designed especially for small to medium businesses and we love the opportunity to film people in their own work environments, demonstrating what makes their businesses or crafts unique.

You’ll savour every moment of our film, below; sadly, you’ll have to make do with imagining the delectable coffee aroma!

3818 EspressoBar Short Cinematic Promo

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The Middle of Everywhere TVC Campaign

Wellington Shire in south-eastern Victoria, AKA Gippsland, encompasses 10,817 square kilometres of spectacular vistas and is just a stone’s throw (2.5 hours) from Melbourne. The Shire boasts a uniquely diverse region from the sands of 90 Mile Beach, northwards into the High Country.

What’s to be found in ‘The Middle of Everywhere’? Pretty much everything – pristine beaches of turquoise water and golden sand, lofty mountains dusted with snow in Winter,  rushing rivers and gurgling creeks edged with soft green fern fronds and majestic towering gums, grapevines heavily laden with the promise of delights to come and fine dining experiences to satisfy the most exacting gourmet.

Filming a small portion of the picturesque ‘The Middle of Everywhere’ (what an absolutely perfect description) for the montage commercial was thoroughly enjoyable, as was working alongside the Shire folk (not Hobbits, sorry). The mere term ‘The Middle of Everywhere’ evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity. 

We’re absolutely rapt with the montage and excited to have it shared far and wide.

Our collaboration with Wellington Shire continued and we had a grand ol’ time writing a script, casting, filming, directing and editing ‘Guess the Holiday’. Our two local actresses jumped right into their roles and encapsulated their characters’ personalities to a T.

What you may not realise watching the commercial is that the ‘office’ in which we filmed was, in reality, a conference room that we shanghaied and converted for our purposes into an office. Lighting issues posed a challenge but were vanquished by our professional gaffer team, along with a vast array of additional lighting equipment.  To create a realistic film set involves a lot of assessing, planning, problem-solving and, oftentimes, last minute tweaking but it’s so rewarding when everything comes together.

We’re really proud of the ‘Guess the Holiday’ commercial produced by REDfusion – we hope you are inspired to experience ‘The Middle of Everywhere’.

Our double feature of ‘Guess the Holiday’ and the montage are below … get the popcorn ready!

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The Middle of Everywhere Guess the Holiday TVC
The Middle of Everywhere Montage TVC
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