Before the squeals and laughs; before the picnics and dribbled ice creams, there is the construction. REDfusion got to be a part of capturing the construction of this new adventure playground in Melbourne’s north-east. The details that went into this design and the passion of the staff involved in the planning and construction was great to witness.
See if you can spot the animal footprints embedded in the concrete for the children to discover. One of the best parts for us was having a closed playground to fly our cameras around, because we love playing in the playground as much as the kids do!
Victoria Park Playground Installation Cinematic Showcase
Imagine a full golf course tour of all 18 fairways, with featured shots of each green, offering players a unique way of touring the course from the comfort of their lounge chair. No need to imagine, have a look at the course tour we produced for Cranbourne Golf Club. You can also enjoy soaking in the scenery from the spectacular aerial drone shots.
Each fairway falls together in a neat and succinct little one minute package. We created a consistent and repeatable format, taking our viewers from the tee, through each fairway, and featuring each green and challenges along the way. Cranbourne has some spectacular water traps and plenty of sand traps to keep any golfer entertained.
When it came to planning the graphics for this campaign, Cranbourne Golf Club was very keen to showcase some statistics for each fairway. Utilising our experience with creative graphics packages, we came up with a little HUD (Heads Up Display), underpinning each video with interesting stats on each hole. This offers players and visitors an extremely dynamic way to explore what the course has to offer, before ever setting foot on the course. The grounds are absolutely spectacular and so well-maintained that I’m sure anyone contemplating an in-person look, wouldn’t hesitate to book in their green time after watching this video series.
We love knowing we could walk into the Club’s bistro and see all 18 of these fairway tours on loop on the TVs.
Kicking back in the Dojo for a day with the Team Taekwondo crew, with our camera kit down in Coburg, Melbourne.
What stood out to us was how disciplined the team of students was to continue their formation training in the background, as Murat worked through our interview questions, under relatively high pressure, we must say too!
A nice little addition to this piece was the inclusion of a testimonial from one of the “Team’s” students, and hearing about her increased confidence and accelerated development in life, as a result of her training.