Corporate Videos

Bald Hills Wind Turbine Installation

Timelapse can be a powerful storytelling tool for short-term or even a single day project, such as the wind turbine installation we filmed at Gippsland’s Bald Hills Wind Farm.

The two films we created, as part of this project, showcase how a single camera, wide angle, can capture an entire construction process, and how by carefully repositioning a second camera’s location for multiple angles, results in deeper detail and interest in the installation.

We absolutely love not only the technical aspects of our cameras but the fascinating technical nature of a job, such as the turbine installation.

Timelapse may prove to be a perfect fit in showcasing your next construction venture, so don’t let too much time lapse before speaking with us!

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Wind Turbine Installation Timelapse Short Wide Shot
Wind Turbine Installation Timelapse Full Edit
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Odyssey Group Sea Trial

Odyssey Group is a maritime logistics provider, operating out of Geelong and Port Hedland ports, and they wanted to document the sea trials of the first of their two new line boats built by Impact Boats. With a drone as our eyes in the sky, REDfusion was delighted to spend a day on the high seas, capturing the boat’s extraordinary performance. The voyage started at Patterson Lakes Marina, taking us across the bay to Geelong and back again.

James hunkered down in the boat’s bow, bracing himself in order to maintain absolute control of the drone, with the added advantage of somewhat mitigating the wintry chill. The Odyssey team was lovely to work with! The guys from Western Australia were not accustomed to Melbourne’s somewhat Antarctic temperatures but constantly put on brave, smiling faces (or were they just frozen in place?), showing the stern stuff they’re made of. Nautical pun intended. 

Once safely out of the restricted area, the line boat roared to life and cut through the water, leaving a mass of foaming white in its wake. The drone, with its bird’s eye view, captured the boat’s every move and gave us a perspective few get to experience of an oftentimes breathtaking vista.

Filming from above presented its own set of challenges. To prevent the drone from plummeting into the watery depths, it was essential for it to not come in contact with the seaspray the boat generated. Keeping the horizon straight necessitates concentration and a nimble touch on the controls. Then there was the matter of battery life; with each minute of flight, the drone’s energy reserves dwindled, forcing James to keep a keen eye on the situation.

The day’s most daunting task was piloting the drone from the boat whilst it hung doughnuts around a tugboat that was actively spraying high pressure water. It made for absolutely spectacular footage though and was heaps of fun!!

We were surprised by dolphins performing their aquatic ballet in perfect synchronicity not too far from our starboard. With a sky etched in shades of blue, white, orange and pink, the dolphins become the stars of a beautiful masterpiece of nature.

At the close of this exhilarating  adventure, we knew that not only had brilliant footage been captured but that we’d had a hand in writing the first chapter in the story of this boat, destined for Port Hedland in September.

 It was a day of high hopes, filming challenges and a healthy dose of adrenaline!

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Odyssey Group – Sea Trial Showcase
Odyssey Group – Social Media Clip
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SCT Logistics Announcing Expansion Into Queensland

Geoff & Glenn Smith tell us about the SCT Logistics business model in this short video series and how their unique approach of buying large parcels of land to host their clients right on the rail head has helped reduce freight costs and complexity; and how it has helped them move towards their announcement of expanding operations into Queensland.

Also check out the third film in this series which ended up being a more extended Corporate Documentary, celebrating the First Train Journey towards Bromelton, Queensland.

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SCT Vid 1
SCT Vid 2
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