Privacy Policy

Welcome to (the “Site”). We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site, especially when conducting business.

This Privacy Policy provides an overview to those users of the Site and Visitors who register to transact business on the Site (“Clients”) with Hourglass Holdings Pty Ltd, T/As REDfusion Studios (“REDfusion Studios,” “we,” “us,” “our”) of the practices that pertain to the collection, use and storage of information. The Policy applies to any REDfusion Studios’ website, service, product or online application (our “Services”) that links to or refers to the Privacy Policy .

Please read this Policy carefully to ensure that you understand its terms and that by using our Site or any of our Services you are agreeing to the practices specified therein. In the instance that REDfusion Studios updates the Privacy Policy and you use our Site or Services after said update, any new practices will be in effect. The current Privacy Policy will always be located here.

REDfusion Studios will not use or disclose any personal information for a purpose other than discharging its obligations to its Visitors and Clients. REDfusion Studios further agrees to comply at all times with the National Privacy Principles contained in Sch 3 to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (or an applicable privacy code approved by the Federal Privacy Commissioner pursuant to that Act) in the same way and to the same extent as the Visitor or Client would have been required to comply had it been directly responsible for performing the act or practise concerned. 

REDfusion Studios will take all necessary steps to protect personal information in its possession against misuse or loss and it will return all such information to the Client (or if requested by the Client, destroy or de-identify such information).

“Personal information” means information or an opinion about an individual as defined in s 6 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which is collected, used, disclosed, stored or handled by the REDfusion Studios. 

Whilst we have diligently put in place physical and electronic security measures to protect our Visitors’ and Clients’ privacy, no system is without risk, including but not limited to computer systems, website, wireless connections or Internet transmissions.

REDfusion Studios collects information in relation to our Site and Services; this includes information directly provided by you, information from third-party sources and information gathered in your use of our Site and Services. Information you provide is at your discretion but it may impact the use of our Services. As permitted by law, we may ascertain information from public and commercial sources, including social networking sites and third-party service providers.

Information is gathered for the purpose of:

  • Administration of our business activities, including operation of our website and online platform
  • Basic user profile information from our Visitors
  • Responding to queries
  • Providing requested Services
  • Assessing Visitor use of our Site
  • Assessing Client use of our Site and Services
  • Improving our Site, Services and customer satisfaction
  • Inviting Clients to publicly comment on our Services (eg Google Reviews)
  • Communicating advertising and promotional content
  • As directed or permitted by our Clients
  • As required by law

Please note that our Site and Services may link to third-party websites and services, or we may make available particular services and products developed by third-parties. The privacy and security of any information collected by third-party websites, products and services is not our responsibility. Review carefully any and all privacy policies and statements pertaining to third-party websites and services that you use. Cookies and other technologies may be used by us and third-parties that provide functionality and content on our Site and Services.

We may share collected information with third-parties, including:

  • Other parties at a Client’s request, or that they prescribe or consent to
  • Law enforcement agencies when obliged to, or to protect REDfusion Studios, its Site, Services and Clients
  • Suppliers, contractors and service providers assisting us to deliver Services or providing services on our behalf
  • In connection with securing professional advice, eg legal and financial with reference to policies and agreements governing our Site, Services and operations
  • In the course of a merger, bankruptcy or transfer of ownership of the business